Brandon Yap

My quick GME TX6160 review

First up this is by no means meant to be a comprehensive review, just some quick thoughts around how I found it. I bought the radio in November 2018 and have been using it for just over a year and a half. Mainly used at camping for keeping in touch with base camp, it does it’s job and has a decent range. It’s used out on the water on the kayak, given to the kids so they stay in touch when they roam around, and i’ve even swam in the river with it (intentionally I might add to test out […]

My quick GME TX6160 review Read More »

iCloud Photo Library freezing

If you’ve come here looking for a solution to your Mac locking up everytime you enable iCloud Photo Library, you’ve come to the right place. You’re probably enabling it for the first time and your system keeps freezing for some unknown reason, either not being able to wake from sleep or going completely unresponsive. The same thing happened to us. After pounding our heads against the wall for a good week, we noticed the library had all manner of weird files in there like AVI and PSD. Photos did not like this one bit as it to tried to convert

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Migrating to new interface names in Debian 9 Stretch

Upgrading from Debian 8 (Jessie) to Debian 9 (Stretch) will retain the old interface names (eth0, eth1). This was intentionally done to provide a path of least disruption when it came to upgrades. New installations will automatically use the new naming convention.If you’d rather migrate to the new interface names, remove the following file: /etc/systemd/network/ Then edit /etc/network/interfaces accordingly with the new interface name.

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Inability to create new Logstash indexes in Elasticsearch 2.0

If you’ve recently upgraded to Elasticsearch 2.0 and Logstash 2.0, you may find that Logstash is no longer able to create indexes in Elasticsearch, as evidenced by the following error in the Elasticsearch logs. [code lang=text] MapperParsingException[Mapping definition for [geoip] has unsupported parameters:  [path : full]] [/code] This error was due to a bug in the elasticsearch output plugin of Logstash 2.0 which has since been fixed, but your logstash template within Elasticsearch might still contain the old mapping. To remedy the situation, run the following command to prune the old template: [code lang=text] curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/_template/logstash?pretty [/code] That should do it.

Inability to create new Logstash indexes in Elasticsearch 2.0 Read More »

Minecraft and Terraria News RSS Feeds

For some reason which I can not fathom, both the Minecraft and Terraria News pages are not RSS capable. Thanks to Feed43, I bring you the RSS feeds for both! Just plug the below feeds into your favourite RSS reader and away you go. Minecraft – Terraria – Let me know if you run into any issues. Enjoy!  

Minecraft and Terraria News RSS Feeds Read More »

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